REMINDER: OSHA 300A Form Electronic Submission Deadline March 2
Sometimes the workplace gets hectic and chaotic causing important things to be forgotten about. Hopefully this is not the case with your company’s OSHA 300A Forms.
All OSHA 300A Forms from companies required to electronically report were due March 2, 2019. Any employer who maintained more than 10 employees throughout the calendar year are required to keep track of all OSHA recordable injuries and employers with 20 or more employees must submit those records electronically via OSHA 300A Form. If an employer has 10 employees or less throughout the calendar year, or identify with certain low-hazard industries, they are exempt from filing OSHA 300A Forms.
To see if your company is exempt from filing an OSHA 300A Form check the OSHA Non-Mandatory Appendix A to Subpart B – Partially Exempt Industries list to search for your company’s NAICS code.
Regardless of a company’s filing requirements, all companies are required to report all work-related fatalities within 8 hours, all work-related inpatient hospitalizations, all amputations and all losses of an eye within 24 hours.
If your company is required to file and failed to do so by the deadline it is still very important and should been done as soon as possible using the OSHA Injury Tracking Application (ITA). Failure to file completely may result in a citation from OSHA.
OSHA is constantly changing and revamping their policies to improve workplace safety, which often makes it more difficult to stay up-to-date with compliance. SMART Safety wants to remind companies the importance of OSHA compliance and help ensure that they are reporting all required documents to OSHA in a timely manner. Our team of expert safety consultants can help your company learn and enforce a strong safety culture to better protect workers and facilities.
For more information on how SMART Safety can help relieve you and your company of stress regarding OSHA compliance, visit our Services page. For inquiries on company specific information or to learn how SMART Safety can serve your company use our Quote Info button or reach us by phone (470) 717-9146.
#SMARTSafety #OSHA #ElectronicReporting #OSHA300