Karl Kuehn

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Karl Kuehn, CSHO, SSH

Regional Director Florida

Karl Kuehn is an Area Safety Services Director at SMART Safety Gulf Coast and located in Orlando, FL with the Southeast Region. Karl earned a bachelor’s degree from Fort Hays State University and studied business management at Texas A&M University. He also completed Law Enforcement Training in the state of Kansas.

Karl has extensive experience in general industry and construction safety, law enforcement, and education. He provides extensive safety services and support to SMART client’s across the state of Florida. Prior to becoming a trained safety professional, Karl had nearly twenty years’ experience in law enforcement, which provides him with extensive training in leadership, human behavior, and human actions – all critical in building effective safety practices and culture.​

Supplementing his significant safety management experience, Karl has completed extensive safety training with certifications, including: CSHO – Certified Safety and Health Officer (General Industry); SSH – Specialist in Safety and Health (General Industry); SSH – Specialist in Safety and Health (Construction); OSHA 30 Hour; OSHA 510 and 511 Courses: and Authorized OSHA Outreach Instructor (General Industry).